New Printable: Your Soul is Fierce

Man, 2020 has given so many of us a new perspective to life. It hasn't been easy, there's just been exception after exception. But we're so happy that in the midst of this crazy time, we've been able to meet so many incredible people all over the world, and has catapulted in us the desire to empower women, especially in the harsher walks of life. You may have heard of our She Inspires Collection of candles, which have all been hand-crafted by women refugees. By supporting this line, you are also helping these women create better lives for their families, in this extra challenging time. 

We chose this quote because we want to recognize that while this has not been the easiest time, all of us are in it, and together we can persevere. 

Download this quote, print it on some gorgeous cardstock, in 8x10 or a 5x7. Can't wait to see it adorn your desks and walls! 

xoxo, Karla

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